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September 17, 2010

Autism Sensory Integration – Where Do Parents Start?

Filed under: Mind,Parenting — admin @ 9:49 am

By Mylinda Elliott

Unfortunately in this day and age there are still people who do not see Sensory Integration as a treatment therapy for children with Autism. Unfortunately many people do not see it as a therapy in its own right.

It is a therapy so intense that is can be puzzling and daunting to people. It is also a therapy so simple with gains that are so important and significant. Whether working with a child who is over sensitive or under sensitive there is help to be had.

The first thing for a parent to think about when considering Sensory Integration is being able to suspend their thoughts and feelings. They have to be able to do that to acquire the empathy of thought and feeling needed to figure out what to do to help their child.

If a child is screaming because they are over sensitive to their environment they will not be able to learn. If a child is so under stimulated that they can not work up the energy to engage they will not be able to learn.

Parents can help a child with Autism that has these characteristics. There are several areas associated with Sensory Integration. These areas are oral, tactile, aural, visual, and proprioceptive. Another way to say this is mouthing, touching, hearing, seeing, and being able to tell where your body is in relation to people and things.

Early consistent speech therapy is critical to a child with Autism. Some children with and without Autism may not need speech therapy or as much speech therapy if they get it early. The same theory works with Sensory Integration.

Early consistent Sensory Integration in all areas may help a child to the extent is may not be needed or needed to that level later. It is not voodoo or magic. It is a consistent application of techniques that work.

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Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the “Go To” woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

Article Source:—Where-Do-Parents-Start?&id=4965645

September 13, 2010

Creating Healthy Snacks – A Fun Time With Food

Filed under: EATING DISORDERS,Parenting — admin @ 9:44 am

By Lynn Bakken

What is a healthy snack? Something eaten not at a regular meal time. Do we need snacks? Do kids need snacks? Snacks are fun, and at times can be lost in junk food and eaten in mindless inattention. What if snack time could be something totally fun AND nutritious? Check it out!

What if a healthy snack was a time for presence, full focus of the food being eaten. What if, since a snack is small and eaten faster than a “meal” you and your children could play a game of the senses. What does the food smell like? Is it savory, sweet, minty? What does it smell like? How about the colors, the brighter the foods the better, especially with fruits an vegs. Really spend some time here before you and your child bite into the food. Then take a very small bite and roll it around in the mouth. What is the texture and finally the taste. Oh, the outstanding taste, salty, sour, sweet, yummy, yucky, allow for all and any responses. Kids don’t have to like every thing that you offer, but keep offering new options. Snacks are a great time to make these offerings since it s not a big deal if the child doesn’t eat them. It’s not like their entire food for the day depends on them eating this food. It’s a snack for God’s sake! Have fun at snack time.

So now that you have spent time with the senses and the food, next time try different foods with the eyes closed and no touching, feed each other a food, kids feed parent and parent to kids, the can guild trust and a new game. See if you each can get the snack into your mouth without touching it.

Snacks can be the funnest thing in the world. What about going to the store and seeing what new snack you can create that takes nothing other than your hands to eat. No needing for tableware,like any fruits, OK most fruits and vegs. Go beyond the fruits and vegs to other nutritious foods that can be a hands only snack. Get creative! Try some interesting sauces on snacks, try making humus with new ingredients, let your kids pick the new ingredients for the humus or salsa, that way then can learn what things taste good together and what things they don’t like.

Remember what you ate as a snack as a kid and share those experiences with your kids. Talk about those that were great and great for you and those that were so yummy and not so good for the tummy. Discuss what makes one snack better than another. Perhaps it’s the taste, texture, the nutrition or not. How about making a new snack that no one has ever had before. Create a new mix of granola rolls with new and exciting grains. Again anything can be a snack and it’s a great time to play with food, do you allow your kids to play with their foods, snack time is play time.

Can you take these suggestions and begin to use them at your snack time at work? Take the time to truly experience the foods that you eat. Know them intimately then you can be more open to your kids playing with their snacks.

Snack: what is a snack but a time out with food. Make snacks fun and healthy. Time out of the rush and stress of the day to play and enjoy the foods we are eating and knowing that.

Author is passionate about nutrition in children and how it effects their physical bodies, emotional and energetic health. With many years as a pediatric nurse practitioner skilled in nutrition and health counseling, she is now bringing her expertise to the wide world of the web. In addition the author is an independent USANA Health Sciences associate, offering the opportunity to provide the best in nutritional supplements to complement her nutritional counseling.

Article Source:—A-Fun-Time-With-Food&id=4838045

September 9, 2010

Tips in Taking Care of Your 6 Year Old

Filed under: Parenting — admin @ 9:38 am

By Charlene Sampilo

Daily Routines:

1. Bath time is more of a hassle to six year old boys than girls simply because boys need more supervision in cleaning themselves. It is important that your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day. Aside from brushing, flossing is also recommended at night. Fluoride supplements and Vitamin C should be regular given for them to develop healthy gum and teeth. It is also advisable for them to have regular dental visits every 6 months.

2. At 6, children have better appetite and stronger food preferences so it is important that they eat 3 regular meals a day and 2 snack times in between. Introducing them to healthy food like vegetables and fruits is important and avoid junk foods like soda, chips, candies and cookies.

3. More often than not, the 6 year old skips nap time so they need to be in bed at 8 or 9pm to ensure they get adequate sleep every day.

4. For your child to develop a healthy lifestyle, it is wise to be a role model yourself. Encourage physical activities by playing together – introducing them to sports like cycling, swimming, tennis or basketball. Limit their time watching television.


At six, your child’s physical, social, mental skills develop rapidly thus, it is a critical time for them to develop confidence in all areas especially in regards to friends, school works and sports.

1. At this stage, it is important for parents to recognize their child’s accomplishments by showing affection and encouragement.

2. In sports, it is good for your child to develop a healthy attitude in both winning and losing.

3. At home, children this age should start being taught simple responsibilities like helping household chores like setting the table or picking up toys/ books after being used.

4. Do fun things together as family by playing games, reading books and watching appropriate television programs.

5. Support your child in new challenges, be involved in school activities and most of all, encourage him to solve his own problems such as disagreement with others. This helps them to develop good self esteem.


1. Parents should give simple and clear instructions by making eye contact and checking them out regularly, making sure they carry out instructions.

2. Make clear rules and stick to it. Be clear about behavior that is okay and what is not. Let them understand that there will always be consequences of punishment in doing wrong.

3. Use discipline as a guide and protection for your child rather than using punishment to make them feel bad about themselves. Remember, always discipline with love.

This stage is a fun and enjoyable time for both parents and child. Following these tips could help in developing a healthy, happy and confident preschooler.

Article Source:

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