Daily Routines:
1. Bath time is more of a hassle to six year old boys than girls simply because boys need more supervision in cleaning themselves. It is important that your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day. Aside from brushing, flossing is also recommended at night. Fluoride supplements and Vitamin C should be regular given for them to develop healthy gum and teeth. It is also advisable for them to have regular dental visits every 6 months.
2. At 6, children have better appetite and stronger food preferences so it is important that they eat 3 regular meals a day and 2 snack times in between. Introducing them to healthy food like vegetables and fruits is important and avoid junk foods like soda, chips, candies and cookies.
3. More often than not, the 6 year old skips nap time so they need to be in bed at 8 or 9pm to ensure they get adequate sleep every day.
4. For your child to develop a healthy lifestyle, it is wise to be a role model yourself. Encourage physical activities by playing together – introducing them to sports like cycling, swimming, tennis or basketball. Limit their time watching television.
At six, your child’s physical, social, mental skills develop rapidly thus, it is a critical time for them to develop confidence in all areas especially in regards to friends, school works and sports.
1. At this stage, it is important for parents to recognize their child’s accomplishments by showing affection and encouragement.
2. In sports, it is good for your child to develop a healthy attitude in both winning and losing.
3. At home, children this age should start being taught simple responsibilities like helping household chores like setting the table or picking up toys/ books after being used.
4. Do fun things together as family by playing games, reading books and watching appropriate television programs.
5. Support your child in new challenges, be involved in school activities and most of all, encourage him to solve his own problems such as disagreement with others. This helps them to develop good self esteem.
1. Parents should give simple and clear instructions by making eye contact and checking them out regularly, making sure they carry out instructions.
2. Make clear rules and stick to it. Be clear about behavior that is okay and what is not. Let them understand that there will always be consequences of punishment in doing wrong.
3. Use discipline as a guide and protection for your child rather than using punishment to make them feel bad about themselves. Remember, always discipline with love.
This stage is a fun and enjoyable time for both parents and child. Following these tips could help in developing a healthy, happy and confident preschooler.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Sampilo