Health Hunch All you need to know to stay healthy

April 17, 2013

Do you have Tinnitus

Filed under: Reviews — admin @ 4:09 am

Tinnitus is a sense of ringing in your ear. Only the patient suffering it can hear it. It causes a lot of concern as no other person can hear the same.

If you have not experienced  tinnitus yourself, then it is difficult to understand. This is a quite common condition.

If you can identify the reason for having tinnitus symptoms, then you will be able to treat the condition successfully. If there is no reason, then the next step would be to begin treating the symptoms. A number of people suffer from tinnitus every single day. Let’s explore some of these symptoms.

A lot of times anxiety and/or stress are considered as the causes of many illnesses

Some food items  might worsen your tinnitus like salt, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.

Your tinnitus can be either bilateral – in both ears – or unilateral – in only one ear. You will find that this is more common in the left ear than the right ear. As with bilateral tinnitus, there can be a variety of causes of unilateral tinnitus.

Ear wax buildup in one of your ears can easily cause tinnitus symptoms. Ear infections have been known to trigger tinnitus symptoms. Then, unfortunately, the antibiotics your doctor prescribes can just make the tinnitus symptoms worse. Sometimes the side effects of certain prescription medications can include tinnitus symptoms. Read the documentation that comes with your prescriptions or have a chat with your pharmacist.

Pulsatile tinnitus is a sound heard in the ears that beats in rhythm with your pulse or heartbeat. Visiting your doctor is a must if you get this type of tinnitus, as it can cause some serious problems like hypertension. To discover the cause of the pulsatile tinnitus people will normally have to have some sort of medical imaging done, like ultrasound. There can be many causes of this type of tinnitus, from infections in the ear to tumors. Since this specific kind of tinnitus is usually an objective problem, a cause behind it can be found most of the time.

At times doctors may be a little bit stumped by the condition, even though the sufferer is very obvious to the symptoms. The only thing you can do is try and lessen the symptoms of tinnitus, unless there’s a specific disorder causing it. Now that more people will be better educated about tinnitus, hopefully they will tell their doctor if they hear any odd noises in their ears.

While it is true that you cannot find any magical cure for tinnitus, there are several great guides that can reveal to you the best methods to cope with this situation.

In case you really want to boost the chances to eliminate your tinnitus naturally and safely then look at this website page about Thomas Coleman Tinnitus Miracle and find out how you can eliminate your tinnitus naturally.

You can also find more on Tinnitus Miracle in this tinnitus miracle ebook review

January 9, 2011

4 Step Formula For Weight Loss, Weight Loss that works and Lasts

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , — admin @ 8:35 pm

The 4 Step Formula for weight loss is a revolutionary weight loss technique that works for both men and women of any age. The results that people are getting are just amazing. The best reason for motivation for the people enrolling is the fact that the author Kyle himself has undergone this program. And in just 45 days transformed himself. the internet is in full  praise of Kyle Kassey. The program works no doubt in that.
Being at a health magazine ourselves we know how to spot the good from the evil. So when Kyle K. tells the number one reason of weight gain is a hormone called insulin we know he knows what he is doing. I mean we have seen many and I mean literally many health products over the year, but nobody tells you upfront the REAL Basis of weight management in human body. So we were interested.

Kyle is giving away 3 important videos about the reason and prevention of weight gain for FREE. I do not know how long is he going to give them away for free. Because we here at HealthHunch.Com know people who had charged upto $99 for giving away those principles in bulky books.

So we delve around a little more. We purchased the main program at $46, which is quite a deal as it contains THE 4 STEPS of weight Loss. Yeah 4 components of weight loss and fitness,
1- motivation,
2- nutrition,
3- exercise,
4- and maintenance to transform your body in a short time.
But let me tell you one secret thing, if you go to 4Stepformula.Info page you will get everything what is in the book for FREE. Because the guy over there is our Guy. As we are an established Health Magazine we can not give everything away. But if you want to really learn about how this program has worked for many then head over to 4 Step formula for weight Loss.

Or may be you  want to buy that product, anyway go to 4stepformula. com.

April 1, 2010

Truth About Six Pack Abs Exercises Free – Review Does It Work?

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , — admin @ 6:12 am

Rating: 4 Out Of 5

Website: Truth About Six Pack Abs

Reviewer: Ethan Flynn

The first time I saw the title  online, I thought it’s another  gimmick everyone wants to talk about. But upon going through the sales page, something seemed unique about Mike Geary and his Truth About Six Pack Abs.

Click Here to Build Your Six Pack Abs Now…

Suddenly, I read several reviews on the internet  and learned that the Truth About Six Pack Abs e book is the health nutritional bible that combines the solid facts and the proper exercises that  results in an excellent physique with visible six pack abs that everyone is jealous of.

I also found out Mike Geary has structured the sets of nutritional facts in a straightforward matter-of-fact approach. The sets of information won’t bore you and these are written in a friendly style. He’s  not only concerned about the body system or the intensity of science and medicine but he stresses the importance of the psychological methodology.
Who will benefit the most?

You want to know the truth? The Truth About Six Pack Abs review has the answers. No need to doubt, this 149-page e Book is for everyone who seeks for a change. Whether you’re male, female, adult, or teen, Mike Geary gives you the best and truthful six pack program you’ve spent ages looking for. Stop making excuses and move on now. Today is the time to get rid of that unwanted flab, and get ripped.
The Good

While reading the Truth About Six Pack Abs e Book, I am greatly impressed with the sequence of facts. The timing, the placement and the use of vocabulary are in perfect order. Like I said earlier, it took years before Mike Geary completed the e Book.

I can’t deny I was glued to it just by scanning the first few chapters, and suddenly I found myself reading the succeeding chapters word-for-word. Each page of the Truth About Six Pack Abs e Book has a link pointing to the author’s site. I clicked the link and decided to sign up for free newsletters.

Thankfully, food, bodybuilding supplements, and expensive workout equipment are not included in the e Book. The only equipment I see is free weights, barbells and some cable wires.

There’s also full-color pictures (demonstrated by real humans, not caricatures or drawings) included in each training section. Just by following the steps and looking at the images, you’re giving your routine an advantage.

I almost forgot to mention the bonuses you can get with your purchase. And hey, there are SEVEN of them. They are mostly formatted in the e Book and it talks about full body stretching routine, more effective tips to lose weight, smoothies you need drink and stair exercises you need to perform for healthy living, along with the 8-week dumbbell bodyweight fusion fat loss program. You can also take advantage of Global Health & Fitness Membership.

The trial period lasts for 21 days with an affordable trial offer of $4.95. Your $35 remainder is due to be paid after the trial period. And folks, this is only a once-in-a-lifetime fee, so there’s nothing else to worry about.

Click Here to Get Your 21-day trial…for a limited time

The Bad

The only downfall with Truth About Six Pack Abs is the overwhelming amount of facts and at some points of my reading, I had to slow down. I became frustrated and after a moment or so, I decided to print the entire e Book. Now, every time I stumble upon a powerful statement, I highlight it. I also put some colored bookmarks in chapters I need to read on a regular basis. The purpose of this technique is for easier and faster recall. Reading e Books for longer hours also produces eye-strain, so I’m glad I printed the e Book in its entirety.

The other downfall I notice is the absence of table contents at the first few pages. Has Mike Geary forgotten about it? The role of the table of contents is so that you can immediately tell what specific page you need to revisit, but without one, there’s a little difficulty maneuvering the sections.
What Others Seem to be Saying about Truth About Six Pack Abs…

“Excellent in depth coverage of different free weights (dumbbells, barbells) exercises for beginner and intermediate levels. Loads of information on what to eat and what not to eat when you are targeting a lean body. It’s not the regular crap you get from fad diets.” (Customer at Amazon)

“The Truth about Six Pack Abs’ stands out in this maze of weight loss programs due to a number of reviews I found about it.” (Misomit on Hub pages)

“I started your workouts last week, and surprisingly, I can already see some positive changes to my body! I definitely feel these working me better than anything else I’ve tried. I really like the interesting way that you turn a weights workout into a cardio workout as well. I can see already that if I keep on doing this progressively, I’ll surely have my old body shape back in no time ” (Ellin Hazrin)

“I have been on your Truth about Six Pack Abs program for 7 weeks now and I’ve successfully dropped 20 pounds of body fat so far! My workout and eating habits have improved greatly based on your advice in the book and email newsletters. I feel like a new man! Thank you for everything.” (Matt Rosenow)

Click Here for More Customer Reviews…

Bottom Line is…

I know your excuses. Reading books or e Books can be boring sometimes. Remember that when you take it two to three chapters at a time, it can be worth the price. Take note of the word I have used, it’s can, not should, not is, it’s can. It means you have the ability and the choice to read and finish this e Book. If others can do the same thing, why not you?

If I give an objective rating with 5 as the highest, the Truth About Six Pack Abs e Book is a 4.5. The absence of table contents didn’t bother me much, because I posted several bookmarks with a note on the side so that I won’t get lost. The remaining one point rests on you, folks. If your only goal is to only read the Truth About Six Pack Abs to satisfy your ego and not doing anything, the mighty power of this e Book remains futile but if you consistently follow the guidelines and recommendations then that’s success.

You Know You Need to get that Extra Fat out of Your Body. If You Think You Can Then You Can Definitely Do It So Go Grab Your Dream & Get Six Pack Ab Now!

February 3, 2010

Tips on Buying Freshwater Aquarium Tanks

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: — admin @ 10:00 am

Fish tank is obviously the next must have thing when you are into freshwater aquarium keeping type of hobby. You might think of having a lot of things in mind but remember to be resourceful when buying for first aquarium tank. Freshwater aquarium fish tank can come in a wide array of choices, size and shapes. Prices of aquarium tank vary according to its general specifications. Which would you like to prefer? There must be somebody who can guide you how to properly select your fish tank especially when you are still very new in this kind of hobby. Try to ask help from some of those you knew who purchased fish tank before so that you can have an over all idea what it takes to buy one. For you to get started and give you some idea here are some of the basic information to guide you.

Choice of Size

Generally speaking big size means big investment and many hobbyist strongly suggest of using a large fish tank especially if you just starting to have one. More materials needed to assemble a large tank, more labor cost and overhead also is invested to make a large fish tank consequently bigger tank is more expensive than the smaller ones.

Recycle old reusable tanks

Since it you knew already that brand new larger tanks are more expensive it is then wiser to become resourceful this time. To become resourceful is to look for an old tank that can be reuse in good condition. Good idea also to ask help from friends and hobbyists who has idle tanks in their storage area. You may even drop by at a local aquarium shop and inquire if there are second hand fish tank for sale. Normally second hand types are cheaper in prize with identical features from the new ones. Ask for referrals to people you know who has fresh water aquarium and is not interested of doing the hobby anymore they might be interested of selling their fish tank to you at a lower cost. In these ways you can save money utilizing old tanks than buying new tank.

Beware of Thin Tanks

A larger tank can give you much advantage when you are just starting to have your own aquarium tank but always check on its quality as to the kind of material composition, thickness and the general look. There are tanks that look sturdy and yet they tend to break easily because the tank is thin in reality. Though this is not happening always but just be careful all the time. Always do spot check on the item before purchasing it. Brittle tank poses danger to your aquarium you’ll never know when it cracks unknowingly fish will come out and will eventually die. So never let this happen to your aquarium.

More Expensive Means Quality Material

Though there are fish tank that are more expensive than the rest but have you wondered why it is expensive? Take a look at its features and width and its total composition. Most expensive tanks are those acrylic types, durability wise it’s tough and sturdy and won’t easily break in comparing to glass tanks which are susceptible to breakage easily. Large acrylic tank is the best type of fish tank a neophyte hobbyist should have. Look for quality not just consider the price alone because a quality fish tank can last for a long time thereby still giving you much advantage as to buying cheaper kind every 3 months or so. Therefore make a wise decision in very opportunity moment especially when you buy any aquarium accessories.

For more great information on freshwater aquarium tank .

February 2, 2010

Chicken Coop Designs For Chicken Health

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: — admin @ 10:00 am

Poultry health is a very important topic. Now-a-days many people want to have chicken in their house backyards. Many are doing this as a hobby. Some are getting free chicken and egg out of it. But the problem arises because of the fact that chicken is a bird and like any other live stock, the health of the animal or bird is of paramount importance. The habitat has to better. Otherwise various zoonotic diseases can occur. This can lead to various health problems. Our article has no intention to scare you, but to simply make you aware that getting your chicken in an organized manner helps. A chicken coop helps you to confine chickens. So instead of moving here and there, they are confined to one place. This helps in decreased nuisance. It helps in collecting eggs also. It has the advantage of being portable, if made small enough. Less amount of food is required. So it is definitely advisable to build a chicken coop for your poultry. You can read Dave Richard’s story on How to build chicken coop. He bought 4 guide books online to solve his problem of chickens roaming in and around his house.  He gives his verdict about the best chicken coop building guide. So friends go and check out How to build Chicken Coop.

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